Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General Education Questions
  • I completed a course at the Community College, what do I do now to get credit at CSUDH?
  • Am I missing any other General Education requirements?
  • I have a red box in one of my lower general education courses, but I believe I have already met this area.
  • What are the Upper Division Integrative Courses?
  • Do I need to take an ethnic studies course?

Your Academic Advisor will support with any questions related to General Education requirements. 

Registration Questions
  • What is Smart Planner and how do I use it?
  • When is my registration date?
  • How do I check for holds?
  • How does the waitlist work?
  • How and when do I pay my bill?
  • What is the deadline to add/drop?
  • Can I withdraw in the middle of the semester?

These are just a few questions you may have, but you may ask your major advisor for assistance, or you can visit the Office of Admissions & Records for more information.

Where do I obtain permission numbers?

Instructions for permission numbers are typically sent out by the department support staff. Make sure to check your emails. Permission numbers from non-major courses should be obtained by reaching out to the course department. For example, SOC, PSY- reach out to the sociology department

How & when do I file for graduation?

Bachelor degree candidates are encouraged to apply for graduation if they have earned at least 90 semester units or have less than 10 courses to complete. The following are the graduation application deadlines:

Degree Conferral TermRegular DeadlineLate Deadline
Fall SemesterJan 1 - July 1July 2 - September 15
Spring SemesterJune 1 - October 1October 2 - Last day of Fall semester
Summer SessionNovember 1 - February 1Feb 2 - April 15

Please visit the Graduation Information FAQ for more information.

What is the difference between graduation and commencement?

When you apply for graduation, you are letting us know you are planning to complete your degree by the end of the term you applied for. Once you have completed all requirements for your degree, you will be eligible to graduate and your diploma will be awarded. Commencement is the celebration of your graduation. There is a separate form you need to complete to participate in the ceremony. It is called “Commencement Participation”.

Please visit Commencement Information for more information.

I got a “C-“ in one of my major courses. Do I have to take it again?

Yes, all Bachelor degree programs in the College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing require students to obtain a grade of “C” or better in all major courses. As an undergraduate student, you can Repeat and Cancel up to 16 units in the courses in which you received a grade less than “C-“and replace your previous grade with your new grade. For more information, please visit the University Policies on Repeat and Cancel.

Who is my major advisor?

The CHHSN’s list of major advisors can be found on our CHHSN Student Success Center website under Staff.

How often should I see an academic advisor?

It is recommended that you meet with an academic advisor regularly, especially when you complete 60 and 90 units respectively. Advisors in the College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing are available to meet as often as you need.

When do I meet with an advisor vs. faculty advisor?

You may meet with your faculty advisor for specific questions regarding your major beyond the scope of the CHHSN Advising, such as professional career, society, and fieldwork placements.

What do I do when I have an Advising Hold?

Some majors in our college receive a 60 and 90 unit advising hold. It is strongly advised that you meet with an advisor to remove the hold. Advising holds are there so that we can check your progress and check for anything that can potentially delay your graduation.

If you received an advising hold and have already met with your advisor within the past 6 months, you may email your major academic advisor to remove the hold. Students who have not met with the major advisor, must set up an appointment via the Toro Success Collaborative Icon or email their major advisor.

What is the GWAR?

The GWAR is the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement that all students must complete to graduate. Students can meet the GWAR by taking English 350: Advanced Composition or IDS 397 and IDS 398). Make sure to check with your Academic Advisor as some major courses also meet this requirement, such as HUS 310 (Human Services) and CDV 320 (Child Development). For questions about this requirement, reach out to your Academic Advisor. 

I have documents that need Department Chair and Dean’s Signature (such as Petition for Exception)? Where do I go?

Please submit all documents that need Department Chair and Dean’s signature to the Administrative Support Staff (see table below) from your department. You may however reach out to your major advisor for guidance in the process of the specific document/s. 

DepartmentAdministrative Support Staff Email
Child DevelopmentAngelica Cornejo
Clinical Lab ScienceDiana Osejo

Health Science

Diana Osejo
Human ServicesPamela Curtis
KinesiologyYanet Suarez
School of NursingRonisha Peters
I have GAIN or Cal Works documents that need to be completed? What do I do?

You may email the form/s to your major academic advisor. Please allow up to a week for processing.